
Soul Matched: Book 1

Soulmates are real.

Most people would rather die alone than meet theirs.

To meet your soul mate is an instant fight to the death. One dead, the other alive with both souls. They can be anyone. I found that out the hard way. All it took was one unscheduled bus ride.

I can't wash that blood off my hands. Ever. Plus, do you know how hard it is to get a job when they know you've killed someone? Not to mention the fact that ever since then I've had a voice in my head that won't shut up. I call him Hector.

A law is about to be passed to make being soul matched illegal. I have to get off of this dimension as fast as possible. Where? To what end? I haven’t figured that out yet.

The Fate of the Universe

Earth’s Gatekeeper Book 1

Scrabble pieces. A can opener and an alien disguised as a squirrel. The fate of the universe has never been more precarious.

The best word to describe Tyler Ru’s life is mundane. The most exciting part of his day is refilling the office coffee pot. The only thing he wants out of life is for something remotely exciting to happen, or at least for his coworkers to remember his name.

Be careful for what you wish for as the saying goes. A drenched, half burnt, mystery package arrives on his front porch and he thinks it’s a good idea to open it. Now he sees visions of leprechauns, people literally on fire, and a thirty-pound tuna is living in his bathtub.

The only person that has any answers for him is a shapeshifting alien that probably ended all life on Mars and a woman who lives on a cloud.

Now he has two choices. Embrace his new role or slowly lose his mind and risk dooming more than just the Earth.

The Fate of the World

Earth’s Gatekeeper Book 2

Fusing two dimensions together was not a part of the plan. Not even close.

Tyler Ru has managed to not only piss off the biggest power in the galaxy, but now the muses are after him as well. Weren’t they supposed to be the good guys? In a new world where memories are not what they seem and doors hold grudges, Ty is not convinced that he is cut out for this line of work. Maybe he should have kept his job as an accountant. At least he wouldn’t be facing off with sentient fog or eating easily offended food. It can’t get any worse than this, right? Right?

He has two options. He and his friends can either try and escape in a broken spaceship or separate the two dimensions. The only question is how does a novice gatekeeper, a failed guide and a girl with amnesia do that?
Tyler Ru isn’t trying to save the world, just clean up his own mess.

Fate Forsaken

Earth’s Gatekeeper Book 3

Just when Ty thought he had gotten his life to some kind of normal, guess who decides to drop by?

Remember that big plan Jupiter has been working on for literally thousands of years? Seems like he is implementing it. Like, now. Knowing him that can’t be good for any dimension, let alone Earth’s.

Not only does he have to figure out exactly what Jupiter has been planning for so long but he also has to figure out a way to stop it. All it will take is navigating a steam punk and disco dimension, outrunning another Gatekeeper and breaking out of a cell made of goo. Simple enough right? At least he has the help of a diabolical muse that likes to rule over humans. What could possibly go wrong?

This time it’s not just one dimension at stake. It’s all of them.

Fate’s Fool

Earth’s Gatekeeper Book 4

So, when the bad guy’s plan goes off the rails you would think that would be a good thing, right?

Not when that means instead of one god now there are two to contend with. Jupiter’s brother came through the portal. Now he’s here and ready to take all the dimensions for himself. Ty had a hard enough time dealing with Jupiter.

With the clock ticking, Ty has to go through his own personal heaven and hell before he can try to save anyone.